I have Masters degree in psychology from Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. In 1998 I completed my training in process-oriented psychology (processwork). Since 2000 I am enlisted in the List of psychoterapists of the Slovak Psychoterapeutic Society (SPS) and I am a holder of European Certificate for Psychoterapy.
In 1997-2006 I worked as a clinical psychologist and psychoterapist at the psychiatric ward of St. Cyril and Method Hospital in Bratislava - Petrzalka. I worked with adult patients and clients with various kinds of problems, in individual and group settings.
After completing my training I got further education in Kathatym Imaginative Psychotherapy (KIP) and continued in advanced training in processwork in Slovakia, Australia and Great Britain. I am a training therapist of The Institute of Process Oriented Psychology in Slovakia. In 2015 I acquired a Diploma in process-oriented psychoterapy (Dipl. POP).
I am married and a mother of 16 year old son. After my maternity leave I lived and worked in New Zealand for 2.5 years. Both of these have been a big challenge and enrichment for me. I recharge my resources by travelling, gardening and spending time in the nature. Besides psychoterapy I also translate psychological literature from English. At present I work in my private practice.