I like the process-oriented approach, because it seeks meaning where we usually don't see it: in difficult life situations, conflicts, bodily symptoms and dreams. Our wisdom does not only reside in our rational mind. All these situations bring a challenge, a message, information how to go on, that we are yet not able to perceive, because we look at it through our "old glasses".
Arnold Mindell, the founder of processwork, as originally Jungian analyst in 1970s, elaborated methods of working with dreams, difficulties, symptoms, with which we try to consciously understand what disturbs us. This can enrich and relieve us. Processwork emphasizes the therapist's awareness rather than some specific set of techniques. It doesn't prescribe in advance what to change and how; it rather tries to follow and unfold the current process - what is happening individually at each person right now, is the best source of change.
The processwork is effective in psychotherapy (people in crises, conflicts, somatic problems), in work with coma and mental health issues, but it also has interesting applications in organizational development, multicultural community building, conflict resolution and art. The principle of Deep Democracy elaborated by Mindell and his colleagues says that finding a way, resolution, transformation happen when all views, emotions and dimensions of experience can interact with each other with awareness.